Principal's Corner:

Dear Parents!

Thank you to those of you that joined us for our PTO meeting this past Wednesday. It was great seeing and recognizing our January Stars of the Month. Thank you for your continual support.

This is just a friendly reminder that we have Parent Teacher Conferences this Wednesday and Thursday. Both Wednesday and Thursday will be a short day for our students. Please contact your child's teacher if you have not received a scheduled time for one of these days.

Please note the following IMPORTANT INFORMATIION REGARDING PRESCHOOL! WE ONLY HAVE approximately 20 SLOTS LEFT FOR OUR PRESCHOOL PROGRAM FOR OUR NEXT SCHOOL YEAR. These slots will be given to our parents that REGISTER FIRST. Parents NEED TO PREREGISTER their chld with us right away. After you have registered with us, we will notify you in the month of April to finalize the registration process. Please do not wait because once the 20 slots have been filled, your child will not be able to attend our preschool program next year. Please contact our front office for more information.

Parents, if you have moved and have a different address and/or phone number, please come make the changes in the office ASAP. We need to have your current address and phone number on file.

ELC would like to invite all of our families to our SCIENCE ENGINEERING NIGHT. Our Science Engineering Night will be held on February 28th at 6 PM in the cafeteria. Please make plans to attend. We look forward to seeing you at this event.

AZELLA and AzMerit testing is coming up soon. Please continue to communicate with your child’s teachers and assist us with strategies and/or homework at home. Let’s continue to work together to make your child’s education a memorable one.

Remember, that ELC’s vision is to lay a solid academic foundation, so that your child can be successful throughout their education. Have a great week!


Mr. Munoz