Anna Fermanis

Anna Fermanis

Director of Curriculum and Instruction

Shantal Reynoso

Shantal Reynoso

EL Specialist

Marian Cabriales

Marian Cabriales

Lead Secretary

Mission Statement

Somerton Elementary School District is dedicated to ensuring high levels of student achievement through the continuous professional development of our teachers. By fostering collegial conversations and collaborative planning, we aim to enhance instructional practices and ensure every student succeeds.

The Instructional Services Department leads our efforts by providing standards-based curricula, targeted professional development, and differentiated support. Our commitment to data-driven decision-making and aligning with Arizona Academic Standards ensures a strong educational foundation for all students.

Through collaborative planning sessions and ongoing training, we work to improve curriculum, identify best practices, and create formative assessments, guaranteeing a high-quality, accessible education for every child.

Alicia Garcia

Alicia Garcia

Test Coordinator

Alex Basoco

Alex Basoco

Data Tech 1

Javier Diaz

Javier Diaz
