If COVID indicators remain at least as good as they are now, we will plan for full reopening in the new school year(2022). Parents who want to continue with Distance Learning will have our AOI (Arizona Online Instruction) school they may choose, when registering their students.
over 3 years ago, Somerton School District
New Math Curriculum pilot (Illustrative Math) Available for public view and comment.
over 3 years ago, Somerton School District
New Science Curriculum (Amplify). Available for public view and comment.
over 3 years ago, Somerton School District
Somerton School District #11 News Release: Reopening of In Person Instruction Delayed https://drive.google.com/file/d/1z7mcQWLb8aoAVACTFf0tAzf0-M2ENhWN/view?usp=sharing
almost 4 years ago, Antonio Duarte
Somerton School District #11 Last day to fill out Continued Distance Learning survey is February 4th. We appreciate your input. Have a happy Monday and stay safe. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/VQ72WKM
about 4 years ago, Antonio Duarte
Somerton School District Superintendent Update: https://youtu.be/jBGcocbf9hg
about 4 years ago, Antonio Duarte
Somerton School District#11 Update from the Superintendent https://youtu.be/2BxRberbepw
about 4 years ago, Antonio Duarte
Somerton School District Weekly Superintendent's Message: https://youtu.be/DQj2mPM_Ivg
about 4 years ago, Somerton School District No. 11
Good morning SMS students and parents. Reminder, All students need to log into their 4th hour class for Galileo math testing today at 9:10am today Wednesday. Try your best! Buenos dias padres de Somerton Middle School. Todas los estudiantes tienen qué ir a su 4to periodo a las 9:10 de la mañana para tomar sus exámene de Galileo en matemáticas hoy. Buena suerte y que tenga un buen día.
over 4 years ago, Jose Moreno
Our fall Galileo testing is next week. October 5th is Reading, October 7th is Math and October 9th is Science. Students will report to their AA (4th period)conference class every morning at 9:10. Parents please support us with getting all students tested. This week reading teachers will be helping students log into the testing window for practice.
over 4 years ago, Jose Moreno
Good evening parents there will be no classes tomorrow Friday September 11th due district trainings. Please make sure your child does not login to any of his classes. Thank you. Buenas tardes a los padres, no habrá clases mañana viernes 11 de septiembre. Asegúrese de que su hijo no inicie sesión en ninguna de sus clases. Gracias.
over 4 years ago, Jose Moreno
Somerton School District Weekly Superintendent's Message: https://www.ssd11.org/superintendent-s-message--134
over 4 years ago, Somerton School District
Somerton School District Weekly Superintendent's Message: https://www.ssd11.org/superintendent-s-message--134
over 4 years ago, Somerton School District
Somerton School District Weekly Superintendent's Message: https://www.ssd11.org/superintendent-s-message--134
over 4 years ago, Somerton School District
¿Has respondido al Censo 2020? Responder al censo es fácil, seguro e importante. Para cada persona que no responde, nuestra comunidad puede perder más de $3,000 cada año - fondos para nuestra escuela, atención médico y más. Responde en my2020census.gov o llame al 844-468-2020 y cuenta a todos que viven en tu hogar.
over 4 years ago, Somerton School District
Did you know more than $3,000 per person every year is at stake for every Arizonan not counted in the 2020 Census? That’s funding that directly impacts our school and our community. Respond now at my2020census.gov, call 844.330.2020 or send back your form now!
over 4 years ago, Somerton School District
over 4 years ago, Somerton School District
Somerton School District Weekly Superintendent's Message: https://www.ssd11.org/superintendent-s-message--134
over 4 years ago, Somerton School District
Superintendent Message
Correction, please call 928-341-6100 for tech-support or any other questions Corrección por favor llame al 928-341-6100 para ayuda con problemas técnicos O cualquier otra pregunta
over 4 years ago, Jose Moreno
Good morning parents and students, tech support is available in the SMS Library from 8 to 4pm Monday through Friday. If you need assistance please contact 928-341-6000. Thank you and have great week. Buenos días estudiantes y padres de familia apoyo para toda tecnología relacionada con el aprendizaje de nuestros estudiantes está disponible en la librería de 8 de la mañana a 4 de la tarde. Si tienen preguntas comuníquese al número 928-341-6000. Gracias y que tengan muy buena semana
over 4 years ago, Jose Moreno