Good afternoon students and parents, if you have not picked up your iPad please be at Somerton Middle School from 4 to 6 for our make up day. Insurance is $25, cash only. Please share. Cobra Pride!
over 5 years ago, Jose Moreno
TDS families in the Estrellas: Somerton will begin construction on the Garvin Pathway. Students will be offered temporary bus transportation starting the first day of school 8/6/19. Pick-up at 7:00AM & drop-off 3:08PM MTTHF and 12:23PM on Wed. at Cesar Chavez Ave. & Patricia St.
over 5 years ago, Gema Felix
Reminder to 7th grade students that your iPad pick up is today Thursday, August 1 from 4 to 7 PM in our SMS library. 8th if you have not picked up you can do so today. $25 cash only. Thank you
over 5 years ago, Jose Moreno
TDS Parents: Please disregard the notice sent home today regarding the Columbia Avenue drop-off/pick-up lane change for Thursday May 2nd. After school was dismissed today school and City of officials were able to schedule the paving project around our arrival and dismissal times. Tomorrow, we'll have access to Columbia Avenue as we do every day. We apologies for any inconvenience. Thank you.
almost 6 years ago, Gema Felix
Padres de TDS: por favor, ignore el aviso enviado a casa hoy con respecto al cambia de carril para dejar y recoger en Columbia Avenue, mañana jueves 2 de mayo. Hoy, después de que terminaron las clases, los funcionarios de la escuela y de la ciudad pudieron programar el proyecto de pavimentación alrededor de nuestros horarios. Tendremos acceso a Columbia Avenue como lo hacemos todos los días. Nos disculpamos por cualquier inconveniente. Gracias.
almost 6 years ago, Gema Felix
Science Fair Night! Parents, Please join us Wed night, Feb 13th, Annual Science Night @ OGS- 6pm. We look forward to seeing you! padres, Únase a nosotros el miércoles por la noche, 13 de feb, para nuestra Noche de Ciencia anual aquí en la OGS @6 pm. Esperamos verlo a usted!
almost 6 years ago, Kim Seh
We would also like to welcome our new Board member Mr. Daniel Paz.
about 6 years ago, Antonio Duarte
Daniel Paz
Last night the Somerton District Governing Board nominated Mr. Juan Castillo as Governing Board President and Ms. Zendejas as Governing Board Clerk. Both members accepted their nomination. Congratulations to Mr. Castillo and Ms. Zendejas!
about 6 years ago, Antonio Duarte
Good afternoon, Somerton School District would like to invite you to our Red Ribbon parade tomorrow starting at 9 am. The parade will take place on main st. Thank you and have a great day.
over 6 years ago, Antonio Duarte